The craziest murder alibi...that someone actually got away with, and it happened in Florida!
''A cartoon character did it'' Murderer: Edward Brian McCleary (16) Date of murder(s): March 24 1962 Location : Pensacola, Florida Was alibi successful? Yes Murder victim(s): 4 (14-year old Bradford Jay Rice, 16-year old Eric Ruyle, 16-year old Warren Ray Salley, and 17-year old Larry Stuart Bill). Murder weapon(s): Spear-gun (?) Facepalm points: 10/10 It's not every day that five teenage boys all go missing during a fairly routine recreational activity. It's also not every day that the reason for their going missing is because of a cartoon character - but that's precisely what happened on March 24, 1962, according to Edward Brian McCleary! This is by far the single most ridiculous murder alibi that we've come across, so we decided that we had to include it because we both love a good ''whudunnit?!'' mystery. This one has quite an unusual cult following, as well, that we'll get to later on. Stay tuned, folks! McCleary had mov...